Help Bunny Boo


Bunny Boo and her two siblings were put in a box and dumped in someone’s yard.  Our rescue was contacted and we took them in.  One look at the kittens and we knew  Bunny was dying.  We rushed her to a 24 hour hospital close by.  The doctor told us that her temperature was extremely low,  she was hypoglycemic and severely dehydrated.  All very serious, especially to a tiny kitten. The hospital told us they would try to save her.

Our rescue believes that every animal deserves a chance.  If there is a way to save them, we take it.   Through no fault of her own, she was dumped in a box and dropped in someone’s yard.  She deserved a chance and we were going to give it to her.

For more of Bunny Boo’s story and how you can help, click here.

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