Meet Bobby. This handsome fellow is 2-3 years young. Bobby is a sweet natured Mine Coon mix who likes to sleep on the fosters bed but is not fond of their young large dog. Bobby loves other kitties so he would be a good buddy for you and your cat. His foster mom says he has always had a kitty friend so she doesn’t think he will be happy as an only kitty. He can be a little shy with strangers but warms up with attention.
Please consider him for your family. If you are in Southern California you can apply to adopt Bobby online at https://ift.tt/30weJpP #adoptdontshop #fosteringsaveslives #picturemerescued #mainecoonmix #avasfuzzyangels #secondchancekitty #adoptme #rescueme #fluffybuddy #southerncountiesrescue
Please consider him for your family. If you are in Southern California you can apply to adopt Bobby online at https://ift.tt/30weJpP #adoptdontshop #fosteringsaveslives #picturemerescued #mainecoonmix #avasfuzzyangels #secondchancekitty #adoptme #rescueme #fluffybuddy #southerncountiesrescue